The recent hurricane/storm Sandy has brought devastation to much of the east coast. Friends, family, and customers are in need and dealing with difficult situations.
Today Capital Wraps would like to send our thoughts, prayers, and heartfelt sympathy to those affected by the storm.
For those unaffected by the storm and would like to help- here are some organizations you can contact to be of assistance:
- Donate Blood — Red Cross had to cancel about 100 blood drives because of the storm and now supplies are running low. Visit RedCrossBlood.org or call 1-800-RED-CROSS to schedule a donation appointment in your area.
- Give food and shelter – Red Cross and Salvation Army are providing emergency shelter and meals for evacuees.
- Help kids in need – Save the Children and World Vision are paying special attention to the needs of children affected by the storm.
- Care for the animals – The Humane Society has an animal rescue team working to save the lives of animals caught in the storm.
- Provide emergency supplies – AmeriCares, Direct Relief International and Feeding America are providing food, important medical supplies and emergency kits for people in need.
For more information on vehicle wraps, fleet wraps, or our other graphic products please call Capital Wraps at 877.775.WRAP or contact us online.