Mall Graphics

Catch Every Eye With Dynamic Advertising

Malls and retail centers have become havens for advertising. People are already going there with the mindset to purchase. It makes sense to influence their decisions with vibrant, full color mall graphics when they are ready to buy. While the holiday seasons have traditionally been the time to put up major graphic displays, more and more retailers are incorporating these dynamic graphics into their every day retail spaces. The malls themselves have allocated spaces for this type of display in their common areas.

Malls Offer Spaces Perfect Situated For Graphics Like:

  • Barricade Graphics
  • Banners
  • Entrance Door Graphics
  • Floor Graphics
  • Exterior Wall Graphics
  • Table Graphics in Dining Areas
  • Stanchion Signs
  • Murals
  • Elevator Graphics
  • And Many More...
Cwi Interior Wall Mural Airport

Use Barricade Graphics To Excite Shoppers With Your "Coming Attractions"

In addition to these rentable spaces, barricade signs are wonderful for announcing your arrival into the area or mall. When you are building out your space take advantage of that white wall in front with branded graphics. Whether these graphics are up for four weeks or four months, this is critical advertising space; shoppers want to know who is coming in. Tell them.

Contact Capital Wraps For Help With Your Next Mall Graphic Project

Call our experienced staff at 877.775.9727 to speak with a representative or message us online about your mall advertising project. We have worked on rush orders and tight timelines to make our clients’ events and launches successful and vibrant. We offer a complete service for single project or graphics programs; this includes initial consultation, designing, production and installation. All of our graphics are printed using warranted print materials and installed by our own professional and experienced installation team.

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