Capital Wraps Earned Master Vehicle Wrap Installer Certification

Pdaa Certified Logo Resized 600 E1493835875769

Raleigh, NC — Capital Wrap has just been awarded the PDAA’s highest level of installation certification of Master Certified Installer.  The company send Keoni Denison who was tested and pass the installation test re-confirming his competency in apply vehicle wrap, wall murals, floor graphics, and exterior wall graphics.

In the growing specialty advertising and vehicle wrap field, this certification is coveted by all installation companies and is restricted to those elite few who can meet the rigorous testing.  It requires proved proficiency of all vinyl and all manufacturers including MacTAC, Oracal, Avery, LG, Arlon, and Flexcon.  As a Master Certified Installer, we have the knowledge, experience, and tools needed to do any installation job with confidence – professionally.  This certification means something: to our colleagues and most importantly to our clients.  With the industry highest degree behind our install you can have the confidence in a Capital Wrap Installation.

This is an internationally recognized certification; we have joined an elite group of graphics installers who have achieved this level of proficiency and THE ONLY Master Certified Company in Eastern North and South Carolina.

The company has its Carolina Division facility in Raleigh and also serve Virginia, Maryland, and DC where it headquartered.

Please call a Capital Wraps Representative today to find out how we can serve you and your needs.

Capital Wraps is a premier Custom Wraps and Graphics company is located in Washington DC. For more information on vehicle wraps, fleet wraps, or our other graphic products please contact Capital Wraps at 877.775.WRAP or visit

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