Aaron's Rental in Myrtle Beach wanted a car wrap for their business which duplicated the NASCAR vehicle the company was promoting on the race track.
It was a brilliant marketing idea for the South Carolina company because they were using a product which was already advertising their company logo and was seen my hundreds of thousands of NASCAR fans.
When we finished the vehicle wrap for Aaron's in Myrtle Beach they had a company car to drive around town in which looked exactly like the NASCAR car. There's little doubt the car goes unnoticed when being driven through Myrtle Beach, or when it's simply sitting in the Aaron's parking lot.
The Dream machine NASCAR wrap for Aaron's took a widely, if not nationally, recognized brand and used it to promote a local branch of that business. The power of having a well known brand name is multiplied with a vehicle wrap. Is your business part of a nationally known chain? Is it your dream that your privately owned company may one day be known across the USA? Let us help you advertise your company car with a professionally designed and installed vehicle wrap. Call us today for more information.
Capital Wraps is a premier Custom Wraps and Graphics company is located in Washington DC. For more information on vehicle wraps, fleet wraps, or our other graphic products please contact Capital Wraps at 877.775.WRAP or visit www.capitalwraps.com